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of Valparaiso, IN
PO Box 1185, Valparaiso, IN 46384 219-707-5088
How do I know I'm choosing the right filing status for me?
Choosing the correct filing status for your tax return may seem simple, but it’s a small step that can help reduce your tax liability. Unmarried taxpayers who pay more than half the cost of keeping up a home for their dependents may be able to use the Head of Household filing status which could result in a lower tax liability at year end.
Can I deduct job search expenses?
Job search expenses, if looking for a job in your present line of work, may qualify as an itemized deduction on your tax return. Contact our office for a list of what qualifies.
What type of credit can I get on my tax return if I donate to an Indiana college or university?
If you donated money or property to an Indiana college or university, you may be eligible for a credit on your Indiana return. Keep this in mind, even if you don’t itemize on your Federal return!
I'm a college student and not sure of the credits or deductions I qualify for.
If you are a college student, you may be eligible to take advantage of credits and/or deductions geared towards higher education. There’s also a deduction for student loan interest. Give our office a call to discuss your specifics.
Tax Tips Volume 1
Tax Tips Volume 2
More Tax Tips
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